Ginger is Both Food & Medicine

“Let your food be your medicine” was the advice of Hippocrates, offered over 2000 years ago. The ancient traditions all relied on the healing properties of plants, and developed a profound understanding of the value of certain foods in health. One of the most sophisticated of these ancient therapeutic traditions is Ayurveda, the “science of […]

Lentils: Heart Healthy and Quick Cooking

Last time I talked about beans and how good they are for your heart. Since February is Heart Health Month, I thought it would be apt to discuss another member of the legume family that is “heart healthy” and has the added benefit of being much quicker to prepare than beans. I’m talking about lentils. […]

Beans Really are Good for Your Heart!

“Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart.” So starts the poem many of us learned as children. And as it turns out, beans really are good for your heart. According to nutrition expert Jane Edwards, Ph.D.: “Beans help maintain normal ranges for several risk factors for heart disease: cholesterol, blood pressure, and homocysteine levels.” So […]

Xylitol: Natural Sweetener Fights Tooth Decay

January is typically considered “diet” season. It is also the season for my annual rant against “diet” products containing artificial sweeteners, and in particular aspartame, a.k.a. Nutrasweet. Aspartame was originally approved for human use in 1981 by FDA, despite vigorous objections by its own scientists. It is now an ingredient in thousands of products consumed […]

Genuine Prosciutto Melts in Your Mouth

Last time I talked about the denomination of origin standards that apply to many of the great cheeses of Europe. These are standards designed to protect the integrity and authenticity of many traditional cheeses. I likened them to an “I.D.” card that lets you know the identity of certain cheeses, so you can be assured […]