Concord Grapes Offer Classic Grape Flavor

Henry David Thoreau, in the years after he wrote On Walden Pond, devoted himself to the study of the native plants in the vicinity of his home town: Concord Massachusetts. One plant he wrote about at some length was the wild grape (Vitis labrusca), which abounded in his neck of the woods. In one passage, […]

Blueberries: Alaskan Superfood

In the natural foods business, we are always looking for the next “superfood.” Last year it was mangosteen, a tropical fruit from southern Asia. This year it is goji berries, a Tibetan food from the Himalayas. Both are revered in their native habitats and have long traditions of use as health supporting foods. Both have […]

Fresh Figs Worth Waiting For

Like most Americans, my first experience with figs was in the form of a cookie. Fig Newtons were one of the first “mass-produced” cookies, first made in 1891 and still popular today. This famous soft cookie with its fig jam filling was a favorite of my grandfather. I was never wild about them because I […]

Fresh Cherries better than Cough Drops

I was familiar with the flavor of cherries long before I ever ate one. Whenever I had a cold as a young child, I asked for the cherry flavored cough drops, which I vastly preferred to the licorice flavored ones. Many years later when I finally got to try fresh cherries, I was pleased to […]

Mangos: the King of Fruits

This is the age of miracles and wonders. Like being able to eat fresh mangos when you live in Southeast Alaska. Whenever I start bemoaning the horrors of modern life, I remind myself that there is a lot good about living in these times and in this place. If our ancestors could see how we […]