Eggplant: A Beautiful Vegetable

If there were ever a beauty contest for vegetables, eggplant would be a serious contestant. Indeed, there are enough lovely varieties of eggplant to have a competition consisting of eggplant alone. In addition to the common deep purple Globe eggplant with its smooth shiny skin, you would have to give strong consideration to the long […]

Nutritional Pioneer Championed Traditional Diets

It is widely accepted that diet is a contributor to many adverse health conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and tooth decay. Yet there still seems to be considerable disagreement about what the “ideal” diet is to prevent these afflictions. The question of what constitutes the ‘ideal” diet is not a new one. Over […]

Sauerkraut’s Benefits Still Resonate Today

Last time I wrote about the pioneering work of Weston Price, DDS. Back in the 1930’s Doctor Price conducted extensively documented studies of traditional peoples on 6 continents and found that those still eating their indigenous diets enjoyed robust good health and remarkable immunity from tooth decay. He documented his findings in a landmark book: […]

September is Organic Harvest Month

Organic agriculture has come a long way in the last 10 or 15 years. Organic foods of one kind or another can be found in most stores, and there is widespread recognition of the value of growing food sustainably. It is easy to list the reasons to choose organic foods. The tons of pesticides and […]

Nasturtiums Taste as Good as They Look

I recently returned to the store after a short vacation and was greeted by a cascade of nasturtiums overflowing their window boxes and spilling merrily down the side of the building. It was a cheering sight, made all the more so by my knowledge that these colorful blossoms are as tasty as they are beautiful. […]