Pears: The Forgotten Fruit

A few weeks ago I wrote about apples and the excitement attending the arrival of the new crop. With all the hoopla about apples, it is easy to overlook other fall fruits. One victim of this neglect is the pear. Few fruits are as underappreciated, being forced to share the spotlight with such a glamorous […]

Cauliflower: a Good White Food

In natural food circles, there is a general aversion to foods that are white. White sugar, white flour, and milk are all on various “foods to avoid” lists. I read recently about a man who lost 41 pounds in two months on the latest diet, known as “the White Foods diet.” This diet is simple. […]

Winter Squash: a Healthy Option

In the dark days of autumn and winter, there is a tendency to turn to food for solace. Done indiscriminately, this can be a recipe for disaster. However, by choosing foods which combine both comfort and nutrition, and by making meals an opportunity for conviviality, eating can be an experience which nurtures mind, emotions and […]

Autumn is Apple Season

Ever since the devil tempted Eve with one in the garden of Eden, people have had a hankering for a good apple. Apples are the most popular temperate-zone fruit in the world. With modern storage techniques, they are available year round, but for real apple fanciers there is no time like autumn. This is when […]

The Sweetest Onion in the West

Onions are one of those foods it is easy to take for granted. Yet they are an essential ingredient in a variety of dishes. Anybody who does much cooking probably uses onions several times a week. I can think of countless recipes which start with the words: “sauté onions until they are translucent.” Because they […]